Now that the U.S. elections are less than 30 days away, let me state for the record: I HATE SARAH PALIN. Let's make it clear, obviously, iam not a US citizen (thank god!) and more obviously will not be voting. Let's just say that i look at the US elections like an basketball game of Ateneo vs Lasalle.
Although, I do have some misgivings about Obama's plan to give back jobs to US soil, Boo-hoo for a call center subsidized economy like ours but good for them, This guy will do what is best for his country's citizens and for that,(let's save the America is Evil discussion for next time shall we?) i respect him as a politician. which is more than i can say for Sarah Palin.
I watched the debate between her and Biden and it made me wonder why Mc Cain chose her to be his vice presidential nominee. The old guy must be nearer to senility than we thought!
Everytime she positions herself as one of the masses, Homer Simpson comes to my mind. Well at least i can still give homie the benefit of the doubt if he can answer pressing issues about running the country.
She is right though. McCAin is a Maverick. He defied all logic and intelligence when he chose her to be his cheerleader-er, i mean vicepresidential candidate.
p.s. Fox News, critizised newsweek for putting an unretouched picture of the sara palin on the cover. Newsweek ain't a fashion magazine you idiots. and read the title/ she's suppose dto be one of the folks, wrinkles and all. (she doesn't look that bad actually. she has great skin!)
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